Notice about BUC Surcharge – DRY – February/2019
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about BUC Surcharge, to be charged for all DRY shipments as from February 01st 2019.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about BUC Surcharge, to be charged for all DRY shipments as from February 01st 2019.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below revised notice about BUC Surcharge, to be charged for all DRY shipments as from January 01st 2019.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below revised notice about BUC Surcharge, to be charged for all REEFER shipments as from January 01st 2019.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about BUC Surcharge, to be charged for all REEFER shipments as from January 01st 2019.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about BUC Surcharge, to be charged for all DRY shipments as from January 01st 2019.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about Bronka Terminal and its closure for new bookings.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about new bookings of scrap and waste cargos.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
Please consider below notice about Chittagong Port congestion and its closure for new bookings.
For more information, click here.
Dear Valued Customer,
As a result of a considerable export and import imbalance at Indonesia ports, with the intention to preserve the quality of our service we decided to implement the “CIS – Container Imbalance Surcharge” for all import shipments in Indonesia.
For more information, please consider the notice below.
Yours sincerely,
COSCO Shipping Lines (Brazil)
Dears Customers,
Kindly note that on Dec 28th we will not receive any payment through bank slip only by transfer by TED made until Dec 28th 15:30, and we will not accept any payments on Dec 29th, all It due we are facing a system changing, to a new financial system that will start from January 02nd 2018.
In this was we request to all our customers that make your payments until Dec 28th to avoid any kind of problem with your unlock / release cargo.
We count on your understanding,