9 de December de 2019

New bank account to OOCL business

Dear Valued Customer,

Hereby, we would like to inform that our Itaú account (agency 0213 – bank account: 46500-8) will be canceled, so we kindly request you, do not make transfers to this account anymore.
All payments concerning OOCL business should be done on CITI (agency 076 – bank account: 086196006) preferably by bank slip.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information, click here.

25 de November de 2019

Notification for FAF/BUC collection for LATD service – For shipments to / from Europe

Dear Valued Customer,

According to the sulphur limiting resolution of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), clean fuel with sulphur content of less than 0.5% m / m will used from January 1, 2020.

Please be kindly informed that COSCO SHIIPING LINES decides to implement FAF/BUC for both eastbound and westbound between Europe / Mediterranean and West Coast of South America and Caribbean (TAW) / East Coast of South America (TAT) / Africa (EAF), effective from 1st DEC, 2019 till next notice.

FAF applies to freight of all kinds cargo and spot business with a validity up to 3 months. BUC applies to Mid and long term business above 3 months.


Trade Lane Bound  (FAF/TEU)    (BUC/TEU)  
TAT South Bound EUR 131 EUR 345
North Bound USD 155 USD 408
TAW South Bound EUR 94 EUR 247
North Bound USD 121 USD 319
EAF South Bound EUR 144 EUR 352
North Bound USD 54 USD 133


25 de November de 2019

Notification for FAF/BUC collection for LATD service

Dear valued customer,

According to the sulphur limiting resolution of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), clean fuel with sulphur content of less than 0.5% m / m will used from January 1, 2020.

Please be kindly informed that COSCO SHIIPING LINES decides to implement FAF/BUC for both eastbound and westbound between Asia / Africa / Oceania and West Coast of South America (AAW) / East Coast of South America (AAT) / Caribbean (ACA), effective from 1st DEC, 2019 till next notice.

FAF applies to freight of all kinds cargo and spot business with a validity up to 3 months. BUC applies to Mid and long term business above 3 months.


Trade Lane Bound  FAF(USD/TEU)    BUC(USD/TEU)  
AAT Asia / Africa / Oceania POLs on West Bound 175 425
East Coast of South America POLs on East Bound 60 145
AAW Asia / Africa / Oceania POLs on East Bound 190 430
West Coast of South America POLs on West Bound 60 130
ACA Asia / Africa / Oceania POLs on East Bound 180 440
Caribbean POLs on West Bound 50 120



For more information, click here.

1 de November de 2019

New Public e-mail box – Export Documentation Team in Dalian

Dear Valued Customer,

Please be advised that as from November 11th Cosco Global Service Centre at Dalian Branch (China) will start to use the new public email box “DOC_CSA@COSCON.COM” to receive the emails and deal with the DOC work.

The old email box DOC_BRA@COSCON.COM will out of service at 24:00 10th NOV. 2019.

If you have any question regarding this information, please contact our Export Doc. Team or Customer Care Team.

We thank you for your business and we count with your support during this important transition phase.

Yours sincerely,
COSCO Shipping Lines (Brazil)

9 de October de 2019

Charges for OOCL Shipments

Dear Valued Customer,

For OOCL Shipments, please be informed that will be charged an Administration Fee of USD 75,00 in case of Export Cancelation from September 12thth 2019.

This charge must be paid with Detention fee as normal procedure. Any doubt, kindly contact bra.demurrage@coscon.com

9 de October de 2019

Notification for WRS collection for LATD

Dear Valued Customer,

Kindly note, COSCO SHIPPING LINES decided to implement WRS (War Risk Surcharge) for both eastbound and westbound between Iraq/Kuwait/Saudi Arabia/Bahrain/Qatar/United Arab Emirates/Oman and West Coast of South America(AAW)/East Coast of South America(AAT)/Caribbean(ACA), effective from 9th Oct 2019.

For more information, click here.

12 de September de 2019
21 de August de 2019
22 de July de 2019
15 de July de 2019